The Kickstarter campaign has ended, and the decks have been printed. Beginning today, we’ll be sending out decks* as rewards to all backers (levels 3 and up) of the initial project.

Shipping arrival dates may vary, but everyone should get their decks by November 20, if not much sooner.
In a couple weeks (~Nov 22), we will open up this site for sales of our first three card decks. If you’ve received a deck and want to purchase more, Thanks! Please check back soon or sign up for our email updates to get the latest news.
* Volumes 1 – 3 of the Agile Coffee Conversation Starters are printed and ready to ship. All stretch goal rewards from the Kickstarter campaign (available ONLY to backers of the project) will be scheduled for production runs and delivery as follows:
- Expansion pack #1 (12 topic cards) – December 2015
- Coach’s Toolkit (deck of 54 cards) – February 2016
- Expansion pack #2 (12 topic cards) – March 2016
- Expansion pack #3 (12 topic cards) – June 2016
- Expansion pack #4 (12 topic cards) – September 2016
- Expansion pack #5 (12 topic cards) – December 2016
- Beta version of mobile Agile Coffee app – TBD 2016