I started Agile Coaching Cards after having hosted over three years of local lean coffees. We observed that many topics were being introduced over and over again. The idea to convert these most popular topics into a a deck of cards seemed simple enough to try.
A few iterations at design and one successful Kickstarter campaign later, and the idea became a reality. The decks of Agile Coffee Conversation Starters can be used in traditional lean coffee format or dealt up in alternate ways. Whatever method you choose, rich conversations are right at hand.
In addition to the three volumes of Agile Coffee Conversation Starters, I have a few more decks in the works. The idea is to make topics related to Agile, Scrum and Lean available as flash cards to be used as reference source or a start point for discussion.
I am a coach of Agile teams, a scrum master and a host of meet ups. I hope that these cards will provide you and your teams a satisfying and fun way to kick start meaningful conversations.
Victor Bonacci
November 2015